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Residential Recycling in Orange


Every household has one blue, wheeling recycling bin, provided by the town. When a resident moves away, they should leave the bin at the house. Call Public Works 203-891-4712 if:

  • You need a blue recycling bin (you are new to town and there was no bin at the house when you moved in)

  • You would like an extra bin (cost is $50)

  • Your recycling wasn't picked up

  • The information shown below does not answer any questions you may have â€‹ 

Pick up days

Recycling Pick-Up Days

Residential recycling pick-up is every Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Put your bin at end of driveway with opening towards the street. Map shows which streets are on which day (click on map to zoom). 

Recycling Pickup Day Map
  • Holidays: When a holiday falls on your pick-up day, pick-up will be the next day, and the rest of the week will be a day later. If needed, Friday pick up will be on Saturday. Monday holidays will not impact the pick up schedules for the week.

  • Snow: If there is a large snowstorm where roads are impacted so the recycling trucks can’t get through, the recycling schedule will get bumped by a day (like holidays above).

  • Pick up may be early in the day so put your bin out the night before if desired.

Recycling Committee (1).png

Holiday Schedule and Weather Interruptions

In Bin

What Goes in Your Recycling Bin

Put the following items into your recycling bin. It is NOT NECESSARY to sort or tie any items. Items can be squashed if space is needed.

  • Paper – newspapers, plain paper, books/catalogs, cartons, etc.

  • Cardboard – food, shipping, and gift boxes

  • Glass – bottles, jars

  • Plastics – containers and bottles 

  • Metals – aluminum cans and foil, aerosol cans


DO NOT put prescription bottles or other very small bottles (these can go in #5 bin at Whole Foods when available). Medicines can be dropped off at the Police Station for safe disposal, or dropped of at High Plains Community Center during Drug Takeback Events


As an alternative or in addition to using your blue bin, you can bring items to the transfer station for recycling. There are designated areas for cardboard, plastic bags, and bottles/cans/paper/glass.


See video of what happens to recyclables.


Need to know about a specific item? Go to for what can be recycled. Type in an item and you'll learn if it’s recyclable.

Do NOT Put Malleable Plastic Bags & Wraps in Your Bin


If your recycling was not picked up, the reason may be: 


  1. Non recyclables in the bin, such as plastic bags*.

  2. Bin not accessible to the pick-up truck because it is too close to a vehicle, mailbox, stone wall, snow bank or telephone pole.

  3. Bin is jammed so tight that the items will not dump out when picked up by the truck. Cramming is good, but not so tight that stuff gets stuck. 

  4. Do not leave items outside the bin, driver does not get out of the truck. Items too big for your bin can be brought to the transfer station and disposed of in appropriate designated areas.

  5. A holiday falls on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday - which triggers the holiday pick-up schedule and bumps remaining pick-ups for the week to the next day.


* Plastic bags gum up the sorting machinery and therefore must not be put in recycling bins. If you have recyclables gathered into a plastic bag - dump the items into the bin and put the bag aside to recycle separately (put in the Plastic Bags & Wraps shed at the Orange Transfer Station & Recycling Center or in designated bins at grocery and big box stores). â€‹

pill bottles.jpg
Not in BIn
No pickup





To get a second bin for your household, they are available for purchase from Public Works, call 203-891-4712. 

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