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Extra recycling bins are available for $50 each. If you want one, contact Public Works at 203-891-4712.
When moving, please DO NOT TAKE the recycling bin.​​ It belongs with the home.
I just moved here and there's no blue bin marked Orange Recycles at the house. How do I get one?
Welcome! If there was NO BLUE BIN WITH WHEELS when you moved in, contact Public Works 203-891-4712. See pick-up schedule.
Can I get an extra bin?
Do I take the bin when I move?
Can I use a store bought bin or one from another town?
Unfortunately, no. Our recycling handler, City Carting, takes recyclables from blue wheeled bins marked Orange Recycles. Recyclables in other types of bins will NOT be picked up from residences.

What rules are at play?
It is against state regulations to mix recyclables with disposal waste.
All recyclables are to be put in residential bins or deposited in bins marked for recyclables at the Orange Transfer Station. If this is not done, the town may be cited with penalties.
All organization, school, and commercial site recyclables are not allowed at curbside. Arrangements for their proper disposal must be handled by private haulers.
Need to know about a specific item? Refer to for what can be recycled. Type in an item and the site will tell you if it’s recyclable.
New Haven Register shares tips and info from a CT recycling expert.
Where can I dispose of items that DO NOT go in the bin?
Hazardous household waste –- Regional Water Authority (April-October), bring form if possible
Packaging “peanuts” – UPS Store
Batteries (rechargeable) – Batteries + Bulbs, Best Buy, Home Depot, Lowe’s
Lightbulbs – Batteries + Bulbs, Home Depot, Lowe’s
Cables, cords & wires – Best Buy
Ink cartridges, MP3s, and cell phones - Target
Plastic bags – Kohl’s, Target, Lowe’s, Shop Rite, Best Buy
Glass, plastic and aluminum cans & bottles – Target
Mattresses – info here
Cans and bottles - local grocery stores (redeemable for cash)
Asbestos in CT
At a Glance
See what to recycle & where. This easy checklist covers it all!
Plastic Bags & Wraps
DO NOT put plastic bags in your blue recycling bin or the mixed recyclables dumpster at the transfer station.
Bring clean, dry, soft plastic packaging, bags and wraps to local stores or the transfer station (goes in white shed).
See video of what happens to recyclables.
Put in Bin
NO sorting needed! See what goes in your bin. Compress or flatten items.
Around Town
Recycling bins are placed throughout the fairgrounds at High Plains Community Center (HPCC). Look for BLUE recycling bins alongside BROWN trash bins.
Bring unwanted prescription meds to the Orange Police Department for proper disposal.
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