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Community "Shredding Day"
October 7, 2023
Bring for Proper
Disposal: Confidential Papers, Clothing/Household Items 

At High Plains Community Center, 525 Orange Center Rd, Orange, CT. 


Document shredding (on-site) - 9am-noon:

  • Front parking lot

  • Bring papers in boxes or bags. Volunteers will retrieve from your car

  • If the truck fills up before noon, the event may end early 


Clothes, toys, household items - 9am-11am:

  • Orange Community Women will collect items to donate

  • Buy Nothing Orange will host a "swap meet" - bring items to give away, perhaps find something you need. All remaining items get donated


Mattress recycling and hazardous waste drop-off will resume at the next event in April 2024. 


Details about Shredding Day



This popular twice-yearly event is hosted by the Orange Recycling Committee in partnership with local groups: 

  • Affordable Solutions of Orange - provides secure shredding of confidential papers. FREE to residents thanks to the Rotary Club of Orange's sponsorship. 

  • Orange Community Women - collects household items, clothing, toys & more, to sell to raise funds for their charitable work.

  • Buy Nothing Orange - Facebook group hosts a "swap meet".


Thank you to all who help make this event a success!


Residents may show their appreciation by donating to the Rotary Club of Orange scholarship fund (volunteers will collect donations).


Recycling Reminders 

If your bin does NOT get picked up, it could be because:
  • Items are on top of or around the bin. If bins are over-stuffed or overflowing, the "arms" of the truck may not be able to grab the bin to dump it into the truck.

  • There are plastic bags in the bin. Plastic bags gum up the sorting machinery and therefore must not be put in recycling bins. If you have recyclables gathered into a plastic bag - dump the items into the bin and put the bag aside to recycle separately (put in the Plastic Bags & Wraps shed at the Orange Transfer Station & Recycling Center or in designated bins at grocery and big box stores). 

  • A holiday falls on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday - which triggers the holiday pick-up schedule and bumps remaining pick-ups for the week to the next day.


overflowing bin.jpg

See details about what goes in your blue bin and what does not. ​

For questions or if your recycling wasn't picked up, call Public Works at 203-891-4712.

Plastic Bags, Films & Wraps Recycling
  • The plastic bags & wraps recycling shed is to the right of the mixed recyclables bin. If your mixed recyclables are in a plastic bag, empty items into the dumpster and put bag in the shed. 
  • Recycling bins containing PLASTIC BAGS or WRAPS will NOT be picked up. More info. 
  • Do NOT put plastic bags, packaging or wraps in your blue recycling bin. More info here: 
  • Kohl's, Target, Big Y and other stores accept plastic bags
  • See SHORT VIDEO explaining why plastic bags CANNOT go in recycling bins.
Article: How to Properly Recycle Plastic - info, ideas, and tips 

Stay updated.

Ask questions.

We increase & simplify recycling options for Orange residents. To supplement single stream recycling, we've enabled recycling for electronics, paint, plastic bags, food scraps, clothing/textiles, mattresses/box springs, hazardous waste, and more.


Information is kept as current as possible. For ongoing updates, follow us on Facebook

©2024 Orange Recycling Committee, Orange, CT. 

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